Instrukcja Warrior 6500SVWRC-(EU) Generator

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10. Never switch between position 1 or 2 whilst
equipment is plugged in, always disconnect
equipment before changing voltage.
11. When not in use always turn the switch to ‘0’ and
disconnect equipment or push circuit breaker to
‘OFF’ position.
DC Operation
The DC terminal may be used for charging 12V
automotive type batteries only.
1. When using automotive-type batteries with battery
cables, be sure to disconnect the minus pole battery
cable from the battery before charging.
2. Start the engine.
3. Connect the charging cable to the battery terminals
and the DC terminals of generator.
Connect the positive battery terminal to the positive
generator terminal. Do not reverse the charging
cables, or serious damage to the generator and/or
battery may occur.
Do not allow the free ends of the cable to touch each
other. If this occurs, it will be short circuit the battery
When a large capacity battery is charged, excessive
current flows(the value varies depending on the
discharging condition) , and the fuse for the direct
current will blow.
4. Batteries produce explosive gases. Keep sparks,
flames and cigarettes well away. To prevent the
possibility of creating a spark near the battery,
always connect the charging cables to battery first
and only then to the generator. When disconnecting,
you should disconnect the cables at the generator
5. Charge the battery in a well ventilated place. Before
charging, remove the cap from each cell of the
battery. Discontinue charging if the electrolyte
temperature exceeds 45°C.
Do not attempt to start an automobile engine while
the generator is still connected to the battery.
NEVER try to use both DC 12 volt and AC at the same
Stopping the generator
1. Turn off the AC circuit breaker.
2. Leave the engine speed lever in the “RUN” position,
operate the engine without load for approx 3 minutes,
DO NOT stop the engine suddenly because this may
cause the temperature to rise abnormal and cause
the nozzle to damage and seize the engine.
3. Push down the stop lever or Turn the ignition key
anticlockwise to “OFF” position .
If the engine keeps on running even after the speed
lever is pressed at the “Stop” position, turn the
ignition key to ‘OFF’ position. NEVER try to stop the
engine with the decompression lever (Open Frame
Type Only)
Periodic check and maintenance are very important for
keeping the engine in good condition. Please read the
detailed description of operating manual for each part.
Shut off the engine before performing any maintenance.
If the engine must run, make sure the area is well
ventilated. The exhaust contains poisonous carbon
monoxide gas.
After the engine has been used, clean it immediately with
a cloth to prevent corrosion and remove sediment.
-20 0 20 40 60
Ambient temperature
Recommended Engine Oil Type
80 100 120
°C -17.8 -6.7 4.4 15.6 26.7 37.8 48.9
5W-30 Full Synthetic
Check oil level
Check and replenish fuel
Check for oil leakage
Check and tighten and engine parts if loose
Change oil
Drain fuel tank
Adjust valve clearance for intake & exhaust
Lap intake & exhaust valves*
Check battery fluid
Check air filter
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 2.33 MB)
(Apelujemy o dbanie o środowisko i drukowanie instrukcji tylko wtedy, gdy jest to niezbędne)



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Więcej o tej instrukcji

Rozumiemy, że miło jest mieć papierową instrukcję obsługi Warrior 6500SVWRC-(EU) Generator. Zawsze możesz pobrać instrukcję z naszej strony internetowej i wydrukować ją samodzielnie. Jeśli chcesz otrzymać oryginalną instrukcję, zalecamy skontaktowanie się z Warrior. Być może będą w stanie dostarczyć oryginalną instrukcję. Szukasz instrukcji swojego Warrior 6500SVWRC-(EU) Generator w innym języku? Wybierz preferowany język na naszej stronie głównej i wyszukaj numer modelu, aby sprawdzić, czy jest on dostępny.

Dane techniczne

Marka Warrior
Model 6500SVWRC-(EU)
Kategoria Generatory
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 2.33 MB

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Instrukcja Warrior 6500SVWRC-(EU) Generator

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