Instrukcja Warrior 6500SVWRC-(EU) Generator

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NEVER run the generator on MAX watts for longer
than 10mins, by doing so you will cause the engine to
start to stall and overheat risking fire, immediately
stop the generator and allow to cool for minimum
Check the level of the fluid in the battery once every
month. When the level drops to the lower upper mark
replenish with distilled water up to the upper mark.
If battery fluid is low, the engine may fail to start because
too little electricity is reaching the starter motor. Always
keep the fluid level between the upper level and lower
If too much battery fluid is applied, the fluid may spill and
corrode the surrounding parts. DO NOT over fill.
Batteries are only covered by a 1 year warranty from
original date of purchase.
Operating your generator
1. Warm up the engine without load for about 3 minutes.
2. Our generator is equipped with low oil warning
system. The engine will stop automatically in case
of low oil pressure or a lubrication oil shortage. The
engine will stop immediately if restarted without a
lubrication oil refill. To check the oil level and refill
3. Do not loosen or readjust either the engine speed
limiting bolt or fuel injection limiting bolt (They have
been factory set) otherwise performance and fuel
economy will be affected.
4. For Low oil refer to Low Oil warning lamp.
5. Failure to add the recommended oil capacity may
result in increased engine wear and(or) damage to
the engine.
Check during operation
1. Any abnormal sound or vibration?
2. The engine misfiring or running rough.
3. What about the color of the exhaust gas? (Is it black
or too white?)
If you notice any of the above phenomenon, stop the
engine and consult your nearest dealer or contact
technical support on [email protected].
AC Operation
1. Start the engine and make sure the ‘GREEN’ pilot
lamp turns on. If it does not, the filament may be
burnt out.
2. The speed of generator must reach rated speed
(lever at top).
3. Load can be added to generator when the indicator
volt meter on the panel shows selected voltage.
Voltage tolerance can vary between +-10%.
4. Plug in the appliance.
Do not start two or more machines simultaneously.
Start them one by one. Do not use floodlights
together with other machines.
5. Be sure that all pieces of equipment are in good
working condition before connecting them to the
6. If an appliance or piece of equipment begins to
operate abnormally, becomes sluggish, or stops
suddenly, turn off the generator immediately. Then
disconnect the appliance and examine it for signs of
7. If overloading of the circuit trips the AC circuit
protector, reduce the electrical load on the circuit,
and wait a few minutes before resuming operation .
8. If the LCD display voltmeter is too low or too high,
stop the machine and examine it for cause of fault.
Voltage Selector Switch
You generator is supplied with a new 3 way voltage
selector switch. (Single Phase UK Models Only)
1. Turn the voltage selector switch to position ‘0’ when
generator is not in use or being starting.
2. Push the circuit breaker to ‘OFF’ position.
3. Start up the generator and allow engine to stabilize
for approx 5 minutes..
4. Plug in your electrical equipment and turn ‘ON’ the
piece of equipment.
5. Turn the voltage selector switch to either position 1 or
2 for the required voltage. Read the voltage display
for the correct voltage output.
6. Push the circuit breaker to the ‘ON’ position.
7. Check power to the equipment by operating it.
8. To change selected voltage, first turn ‘OFF’
equipment and disconnect the plug from the
generator socket.
9. Choose new equipment and voltage repeat steps 1-7
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 2.33 MB)
(Apelujemy o dbanie o środowisko i drukowanie instrukcji tylko wtedy, gdy jest to niezbędne)



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Więcej o tej instrukcji

Rozumiemy, że miło jest mieć papierową instrukcję obsługi Warrior 6500SVWRC-(EU) Generator. Zawsze możesz pobrać instrukcję z naszej strony internetowej i wydrukować ją samodzielnie. Jeśli chcesz otrzymać oryginalną instrukcję, zalecamy skontaktowanie się z Warrior. Być może będą w stanie dostarczyć oryginalną instrukcję. Szukasz instrukcji swojego Warrior 6500SVWRC-(EU) Generator w innym języku? Wybierz preferowany język na naszej stronie głównej i wyszukaj numer modelu, aby sprawdzić, czy jest on dostępny.

Dane techniczne

Marka Warrior
Model 6500SVWRC-(EU)
Kategoria Generatory
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 2.33 MB

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Instrukcja Warrior 6500SVWRC-(EU) Generator

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