Instrukcja Hotpoint-Ariston 751 PCN T/IX/HA Płyta do zabudowy

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! Before operating your new appliance please read this instruction booklet
carefully. It contains important information for safe use, installation and care
of the appliance.
! Please keep these operating instructions for future reference. Pass them on
to possible new owners of the appliance.
! Keep packaging material out of the reach of children. It can become a choking
or suffocation hazard (see Precautions and tips).
! The appliance must be installed by a qualied professional according to the
instructions provided. Incorrect installation may cause harm to people and
animals or may damage property.
! This unit may be installed and used only in permanently ventilated rooms
in accordance with current national regulations. The following requirements
must be observed:
The room must be equipped with an air extraction system that expels
any combustion fumes. This may consist of a hood or an electric fan that
automatically starts each time the appliance is switched on.
In a chimney stack or branched flue.
(exclusively for cooking appliances)
Directly to
the Outside
The room must also allow proper air circulation, as air is needed for
combustion to occur normally. The ow of air must not be less than 2 m
per kW of installed power.
The air circulation system may take air directly
from the outside by means of a pipe with an
inner cross section of at least 100 cm
; the
opening must not be vulnerable to any type
of blockages.
The system can also provide the air needed for
combustion indirectly, i.e. from adjacent rooms
tted with air circulation tubes as described
above. However, these rooms must not be
communal rooms, bedrooms or rooms that
may present a re hazard.
Intensive and prolonged use of the appliance may necessitate
supplemental ventilation, e.g. opening a window or increasing the power
of the air intake system (if present).
Liquid petroleum gas sinks to the oor as it is heavier than air. Therefore,
rooms containing LPG cylinders must also be equipped with vents to allow
gas to escape in the event of a leak. As a result LPG cylinders, whether
partially or completely full, must not be installed or stored in rooms or
storage areas that are below ground level (cellars, etc.). It is advisable to
keep only the cylinder being used in the room, positioned so that it is not
subject to heat produced by external sources (ovens, replaces, stoves,
etc. ) which could raise the temperature of the cylinder above 50°C.
Examples of
ventilation holes
for comburant air.
Enlarging the ventilation slot
between window and floor.
Room to be
Fitting the appliance
The following precautions must be taken when installing the hob:
Kitchen cabinets adjacent to the appliance and taller than the top of the
hob must be at least 200 mm from the edge of the hob.
Hoods must be installed according to their relative installation instruction
manuals and at a minimum distance of 650 mm from the hob (see gure).
Place the wall cabinets adjacent to the hood at a minimum height of 420
mm from the hob (see gure).
If the hob is installed beneath a wall cabinet,
the latter must be situated at a minimum of 700
mm above the hob.
The installation cavity should have the dimensions indicated in the gure.
Fastening hooks are provided, allowing you to fasten the hob to tops that
are between 20 and 40 mm thick. To ensure the hob is securely fastened
to the top, we recommend you use all the hooks provided.
555 mm
55 mm
475 mm
Before the installation remove the grids and burners from the hob and turn it
upside down, making sure you don’t damage the thermocouples and spark
Apply the seals that come with the
appliance along the outer edges of
the hob to prevent any passage of air,
humidity and water (see Figure).
For proper application make sure the
surfaces to be sealed are clean, dry and
free of any grease/oil.
Hook fastening diagram
Hooking position for top H=20mm Hooking position for top H=30mm
Hooking position for top H=40mm Back
! Use the hooks contained in the “accessory pack”.
Where the hob is not installed over a built-in oven, a wooden panel must
be installed as insulation. This must be placed at a minimum distance of
20 mm from the lower part of the hob.
600mm min.
420mm min.
650mm min.
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 6.58 MB)
(Apelujemy o dbanie o środowisko i drukowanie instrukcji tylko wtedy, gdy jest to niezbędne)



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Dane techniczne

Marka Hotpoint-Ariston
Model 751 PCN T/IX/HA
Kategoria Płyty do zabudowy
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 6.58 MB

Wszystkie podręczniki dla Hotpoint-Ariston Płyty do zabudowy
Więcej podręczników Płyty do zabudowy

Często zadawane pytania dotyczące Hotpoint-Ariston 751 PCN T/IX/HA Płyta do zabudowy

Nasz zespół wyszukuje przydatne informacje na temat produktu i udziela odpowiedzi na często zadawane pytania. Jeśli znajdziesz nieścisłości lub błędy w naszych odpowiedziach na pytania, poinformuj nas o tym przy pomocy naszego formularza kontaktowego.

Z których garnków można korzystać na płycie indukcyjnej? Zweryfikowany

Zasadniczo wszystkie garnki magnetyczne mogą być używane na płycie indukcyjnej. Prawie wszystkie nowe garnki nadają się do indukcji.

To było pomocne (1369) Czytaj więcej

Moja płyta ma wtyczkę, która nie pasuje do zwykłego gniazdka, co mam zrobić? Zweryfikowany

Wiele płyt elektrycznych (zarówno ceramicznych, jak i indukcyjnych) ma inną wtyczkę. Dzieje się tak, ponieważ te urządzenia wymagają dużej mocy. Zlecić instalację urządzenia profesjonaliście.

To było pomocne (1290) Czytaj więcej

Dlaczego zapłon w mojej kuchence wydaje dźwięk kliknięcia? Zweryfikowany

Jeśli kuchenka była umyta za pomocą dużej ilości wody, pokrętła mogły się zmoczyć, aktywując zapłon. Daj im wyschnąć. Jeśli problem będzie się powtarzał, skontaktuj się z producentem.

To było pomocne (1097) Czytaj więcej
Instrukcja Hotpoint-Ariston 751 PCN T/IX/HA Płyta do zabudowy

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