Instrukcja BaByliss G750E Duo Flex Depilator

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WARNING: Unplug the appliance before using or cleaning it in water.
The adaptor must be placed so it cannot fall into water.
Scrubbing is a necessary step for successful hair removal. Done regularly, it:
- prevents hair from growing back under the skin,
- removes dead cells and renes the texture of your skin,
- prepares your skin to help it absorb skin care products.
Scrubbing done once or twice a week maintains a healthy and fresh skin. We recommend
scrubbing ideally the day before hair removal. The scrubbing will straighten the hair
thereby helping you to remove it. Avoid scrubbing just after hair removal.
- In the bath: for maximum comfort, start your epilation a few minutes after relaxing in
the warm bath water. The heat will cause your skins pores to dilate making hair removal
- In the shower: for good depilation in the shower, make sure your skin is thoroughly wet.
- On dry skin: you can also use the appliance out of the bath or shower, but be careful to
remove all traces of oil or moisturiser from your skin.
Epilation of your legs
Turn the appliance on by pressing the button once for speed I or twice for speed II (10).
Hold the appliance at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface of where hair is to be
removed (11).
Always work with both hands: carefully stretch the skin with one hand while moving the
appliance with the other. Only move your epilator against the direction of the growth of
your hair. Do not use circular or back and forth movements (12-13).
Slowly move the epilator, while pressing down lightly. Careful not to press the appliance
down too hard against your skin; it might slow down and be less eective.
Epilation of sensitive areas
We recommend putting the accessory for sensitive areas on the head of your epilator. It
reduces the number of hair remover disks so that you can remove hair more smoothly
and with greater precision. Use the appliance preferably set at speed I. To put the
accessory for sensitive areas on the epilator, rst remove the protective cover from the
epilation head (14).
If your hair is long (longer than 1 cm), we recommend cutting it with scissors before using
the epilator, preferably set at speed I.
To remove hair from your underarms, move the appliance using an upwards motion,
then a second time using a downwards motion. (15).
To remove hair from your bikini line, carefully stretch your skin and move the appliance
against the direction of the growth of your hair (16).
G750E_IB.indd 7 23/01/14 12:41
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Dane techniczne

Marka BaByliss
Model G750E Duo Flex
Kategoria Depilatory
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 0.69 MB

Wszystkie podręczniki dla BaByliss Depilatory
Więcej podręczników Depilatory

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Czy mogę używać depilatora do każdej części ciała? Zweryfikowany

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, depilatorów można używać na dowolnej części ciała, w tym na obszarach wrażliwych.

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Jak długo odrastają włosy? Zweryfikowany

Po zastosowaniu depilatora włosy zwykle odrastają po kilku tygodniach.

To było pomocne (54) Czytaj więcej

Jaka jest różnica między depilacją a woskiem? Zweryfikowany

Obie metody zasadniczo działają tak samo, ale depilacja jest ogólnie uważana za nieco bardziej bolesną. Stosowanie depilatora zwykle powoduje mniej skutków ubocznych.

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Czy można użyć depilatora również do dłuższych włosów? Zweryfikowany

Nie, kiedy depilator jest używany do dłuższych włosów, istnieje szansa, że ​​włosy pękną, a nie zostaną wyrywane przez cebulkę.

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Instrukcja BaByliss G750E Duo Flex Depilator

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