Instrukcja Westinghouse 7304140 Wentylator sufitowy

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1. Proceed with caution. Read all instructions before beginning the installation.
2. WARNING! This fan may be operated only with a 2-pole switch with a 3mm contact opening
3. Only an authorized electrician should execute the installation.
4. The installation height, i.e. the distance between the blades and the floor, should be at least
2.3 m.
5. Always maintain the distance between the lamp and inflammable materials (curtains,
wall, etc.), as indicated on the pictogram.
6. Make sure the fan is securely fastened at the ceiling.
7. WARNING! Do not use a dimmer type switch to control the fan speed.
8. WARNING! To prevent injuries, make sure the blades are not bent and that there are no
objects with in the area of rotation.
9. WARNING! Due to European safety regulations, if the flush mount option is elected, the fan
must not be re-installed utilizing the downrod. If attempted, this may cause a serious injury.
When assembling the fan, please follow your local safety regulations.
10. WARNING: Do Not use this fan in the same room at the same time as a gas or fuel burning
fire, unless the flue has been tested under these conditions of use by a competent person.
11. This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with
reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they
have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way
and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning
and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
12. Suitable for use indoors.
13. Before disassembling light kit, make sure the power supply is disconnected from the main
supply. Power supply can be on only after installation is completed.
14. The lampshade should not be removed from the light bulb when the power supply is on.
15. Replacement of light bulb is only possible when the light kit has cooled down, and the
power supply is disconnected from the main supply.
16. Make sure the lampshade is in the fixed position when operating the product.
17. Means for all poles disconnection having a contact separation that provide full discon
nection under over voltage category III conditions must be incorporated in the fixed wiring
in accordance with national wiring rules.
18. IP20 The fan is designed for indoor use. It is not designed for installation in a bathroom or
any damp area. Please ensure that the lamp does not come into contact with water.
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 1.96 MB)
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Dane techniczne

Marka Westinghouse
Model 7304140
Kategoria Wentylatory sufitowe
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 1.96 MB

Wszystkie podręczniki dla Westinghouse Wentylatory sufitowe
Więcej podręczników Wentylatory sufitowe

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Czy ma znaczenie, w jakim kierunku obraca się mój wentylator sufitowy? Zweryfikowany

Tak, to zależy od pory roku. W cieplejszych porach roku wentylator sufitowy powinien obracać się w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu wskazówek zegara, aby wypychać zimne powietrze w dół. Powietrze to odparowuje wilgoć, tworząc efekt chłodzenia. W chłodniejszych porach roku wentylator sufitowy powinien obracać się w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara, aby wciągnąć zimne powietrze do góry, które spycha cieplejsze powietrze w dół.

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Instrukcja Westinghouse 7304140 Wentylator sufitowy

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