Instrukcja Wallner DL-07 Tester do banknotów

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BAnK-noTes WITH FLUorescenT MArKs
Bank-notes placed under the UV light show fluorescent marks or designs. Bank-notes wi-
thout fluorescent marks placed under UV light will show no visible changes in colour or
texture. Water marks will not be visible. The metallic stripe will appear as a pointed line on
the front side of the bank-note, but will not be visible on its reverse.
noTe! If the device has both UV and standard light, bank-notes should be
checked first under the UV lamp and then under the standard to check the
water mark.
BAnK-noTes WITH MAGneTIc MArKers
The money detector (DL-109) should be placed head towards the bank-note. Lightly press
and rub fastly the fragment of the bank-note, where the magnetic markers are placed. The
head must be evenly and exactly placed on the bank-note while rubbing. The lightened
and blinking while rubbing red light of the money detector signalizes the excistence of
the magnetic markes.
Different currencies have magnetic markers placed in different positions.
The optimal testing position should be chosen upon experience (for example on Polish
bank-notes the optimal place is near the serial number).
FALse BAnK-noTes
Placed under the money detector they will instantly show blue colour.
The water mark will be well visible and the metallic stripe will be visible on both sides of
the bank-note as a continuous line. Not all false bank-notes will be fluorescent, if you sho-
uld have any doubts, check the water mark, metallic stripe, print, which should be clear
with visibly marked colours and if the bank-note is still in good shape, the paper should
be slightly harsh and bulging in densely printed areas. Bank-note should not be flexible,
glossy nor slippery. If the bank-note is authentic, the water marks and metallic stripe will
be visible as described in the previous point.
cHecKInG docUMenTs
Most bank cheques / credit cards / documents / entry tickets have fluorescent designs or
patterns. They will be visible under the UV light.
1. The money detector is equipped with a UV lamp placed in a plastic casing.
2. Do not use the device at eyes level while it emmits UV light, as eye
exposure to such light may cause damage
3. The avarage durability of the UV lamp varies between 2000 and 4000
hours of continuous shining.
4. Turning on and off diminishes the durability.
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 0.93 MB)
(Apelujemy o dbanie o środowisko i drukowanie instrukcji tylko wtedy, gdy jest to niezbędne)



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Dane techniczne

Marka Wallner
Model DL-07
Kategoria Testery do banknotów
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 0.93 MB

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Instrukcja Wallner DL-07 Tester do banknotów

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