Instrukcja SilverCrest IAN 78366 Lampa na podczerwień

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Special Safety
When using infrared emitters
The unit must not be used
for serious conditions
(diabetes, skin cancer, heart
disease, acute inflammation,
multiple sclerosis,
thrombosis, blood clotting
problems), skin conditions
or if seemingly harmless
symptoms last too long! In
such cases, consult a
doctor. If you have taken
painkillers or consumed
alcohol, only use the
appliance on your doctors
advice as your sensitivity to
heat may be impaired.
The UV radiation of the unit
can damage the cornea and
retina. When using the
appliance, always keep your
eyes closed.
Do not use the appliance
near to bathtubs,
washbasins or other vessels
containing water. There is a
danger even when the
appliance is switched off.
Remove the plug from the
mains socket after use.
Installing a residual-current
protector with a nominal trigger
current of no more than 30 mA
offers additional protection.
Contact your electrician.
Ensure that the voltage
specified on the light bulb is
the same as that of the local
mains supply.
The housing becomes very
hot when the appliance is
switched ondanger of
Heat sensitivity may be
reduced after taking
painkillers and anaesthetics,
after local anaesthetic and
by certain illnesses.
In these cases, the distance
must be at least 80 cm. Page 6 Thursday, August 12, 2010 4:53 PM
Intended Use
The appliance may only be employed for its
intended use – for heat therapy and treating
illnesses. The infrared lamp is designed
solely for use in private households and is
not intended for commercial use. Any other
use or modification to the appliance does
not constitute an intended use and is
fundamentally forbidden. No liability can be
assumed for damage caused by use for
purposes other than the intended use or in
the event of improper operation.
It is a long-known fact that heat can relieve
pain and in many cases accelerate healing.
This healing heat is provided particularly
effectively by the infrared lamp, from which
the infrared radiation penetrates through
the skin and deep into the tissue beneath.
There is increased perfusion of the blood in
the area, the blood vessels expand, more
body-builders are taken to the irradiated
point and the body breaks down the more
“roughage”. The recovery process can be
accelerated by the healing heat from the
infrared lamp.
Initial Use
Place the appliance on a level surface and
insert the mains plug into a properly
installed plug socket. The infrared lamp will
be illuminated.
How the Infrared Lamp
Rheumatism, muscle pain and lumbago
Continue the daily treatment until no more
pain is felt. In the case of articular
rheumatism, seek the advice of your
Colds – The start of a cold can be
suppressed. If you already have a cold,
repeated treatment can provide significant
relief. However, only genuine colds should
be treated. In the case of maxillary sinus,
frontal sinus and throat infections,
treatment should only be undertaken
1) Use the infrared emitter only
with a Philips R95 E27,
230 V, 100 W infrared bulb.
Do not use any other bulb and
if any bulb is purchased
subsequently, ensure that it is
identical with the version
supplied here.
2) Do not place any flammable
objects in the area of
irradiation: combs, spectacle
frames etc. can catch fire and
textiles may be singed.
3) Avoid sudden cooling
(e.g. of the head) immediately
after treatment.
4) Protect the lamp from strong
impacts, including setting
down harshly.
5) Remember not to put the
appliance away immediately
after switching it off, but allow it
to cool first for a few minutes.
6) Disconnection from the
mains supply is only
guaranteed if the plug is
removed from the socket.
i Page 7 Thursday, August 12, 2010 4:53 PM
Irradiation Duration
The best results are achieved
with a treatment of 2 x 15 minu-
tes per day.
Irradiation Distance
The distance should be such
that the heat is felt to be com-
fortable. Generally, the distance
is 40 - 60cm. Generally, the
minimum clearance to 100 Watt
appliances is 60 cm.
Do not place the appliance
on hot surfaces or near to
heat sources and lay the
mains cable in such a way
that it does not come into
contact with hot or sharp-
edged objects.
Do not use the appliance
whilst standing on a wet
floor or if your hands or the
appliance are wet.
Do not bend the mains cable
and do not wind it around
the appliance.
Do not leave the appliance
unattended during
operation. Use only proper
extension leads. Do not
operate the appliance
outdoors, as this may
subject it to rain or other
Do not operate the appliance
outdoors, as this may bring
it into contact with rain or
other moisture.
Repairs are to be carried out
only by authorised customer
service personnel. Never
attempt to open the appliance
or e.g. to get into the inside
using metal objects.
If the appliance is not used
properly or if it is operated
incorrectly, no liability can
be accepted for any damage
which occurs as a result.
Persons (including children)
who are unable to operate
the appliance correctly due
to their physical, sensory or
mental capabilities or lack of
experience or knowledge
should not use this
appliance without
supervision or instruction by
a responsible person.
Electrical appliances are not
children’s toys! Therefore,
use and store the appliance
out of the reach of children.
Do not allow the mains cable
to hang down.
If the mains cable is damaged,
it must be replaced only by a
repair workshop nominated by
the manufacturer (see
guarantee card), in order to
avoid any danger.
This appliance is designed
solely for use in private
households, not for
commercial use.
Keep the operating instructions
in a safe place and pass them
on with the appliance.
i Page 5 Thursday, August 5, 2010 1:59 PM
Operating Instructions 100 A1-51/2012-1.04 Operating Instructions 100 A1-51/2012-1.04
Länderblock4.indd 7 19.09.12 14:43
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 2.47 MB)
(Apelujemy o dbanie o środowisko i drukowanie instrukcji tylko wtedy, gdy jest to niezbędne)



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Więcej o tej instrukcji

Rozumiemy, że miło jest mieć papierową instrukcję obsługi SilverCrest IAN 78366 Lampa na podczerwień. Zawsze możesz pobrać instrukcję z naszej strony internetowej i wydrukować ją samodzielnie. Jeśli chcesz otrzymać oryginalną instrukcję, zalecamy skontaktowanie się z SilverCrest. Być może będą w stanie dostarczyć oryginalną instrukcję. Szukasz instrukcji swojego SilverCrest IAN 78366 Lampa na podczerwień w innym języku? Wybierz preferowany język na naszej stronie głównej i wyszukaj numer modelu, aby sprawdzić, czy jest on dostępny.

Dane techniczne

Marka SilverCrest
Model IAN 78366
Kategoria Lampy na podczerwień
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 2.47 MB

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Więcej podręczników Lampy na podczerwień

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Jaki jest numer modelu mojego produktu SilverCrest? Zweryfikowany

Chociaż niektóre produkty SilverCrest mają alternatywny numer modelu, wszystkie mają numer IAN, za pomocą którego można zidentyfikować produkt.

To było pomocne (3367) Czytaj więcej

Czy mogę poparzyć skórę podczas używania lampy na podczerwień? Zweryfikowany

Nie, lampa na podczerwień nie barwi skóry ani jej nie pali.

To było pomocne (49) Czytaj więcej

Czy mogę używać lampy na podczerwień, jeśli mam alergie skórne? Zweryfikowany

W przypadku alergii skórnych najlepiej zasięgnąć porady lekarza przed zastosowaniem jakiejkolwiek formy terapii światłem.

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Instrukcja SilverCrest IAN 78366 Lampa na podczerwień

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