Instrukcja Severin PC 3751 Maszyna do popcornu

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provided they have been given
supervision or instruction
concerning the use of the
appliance and fully understand
all dangers and safety
precautions involved.
Children must not be permitted
to play with the appliance.
Children must not be permitted
to carry out any cleaning or
maintenance work on the
appliance unless they are
supervised and at least 8 years
of age.
The appliance and its power
cord must be kept well away
from children under 8 at all
Caution: Keep any packaging materials
well away from children – these are
a potential source of danger, e.g. of
Before the appliance is used, the main
body including the power cord as well
as any attachment tted should be
checked thoroughly for any defects.
Should the appliance, for instance, have
been dropped onto a hard surface, it
must no longer be used: even invisible
damage may have adverse effects on the
operational safety of the appliance.
The power cord should be regularly
examined for any signs of damage. In the
event of such damage being found, the
appliance must no longer be used.
In order to prevent damage to the
housing, do not position the appliance on
or near hot surfaces or open ames such
as hot-plates or gas ames.
Do not leave the appliance unattended
while in use.
Always remove the plug from the wall
- after use,
- in case of any malfunction,
- before cleaning the appliance.
When removing the plug from the wall
socket, never pull on the power cord;
always grip the plug itself.
Do not let the power cord hang free.
No responsibility will be accepted if
damage results from improper use, or if
these instructions are not complied with.
This appliance is intended for domestic or
similar applications, such as
- in shops, of ces and other similar
working environments,
- in agricultural working environments,
- by customers in hotels, motels etc. and
similar establishments,
- in bed-and breakfast type environments.
Before using the appliance for the rst
Before the appliance is used for the rst
time, it should be thoroughly cleaned as
described in General care and cleaning.
Insert the plug into a suitable wall socket and
switch the appliance on for 2 minutes. This
will remove the smell typically encountered
when rst switching on such appliances.
Ensure suf cient ventilation. Then allow the
appliance suf cient time to cool down before
preparing popcorn for the rst time.
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 0.75 MB)
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Więcej o tej instrukcji

Rozumiemy, że miło jest mieć papierową instrukcję obsługi Severin PC 3751 Maszyna do popcornu. Zawsze możesz pobrać instrukcję z naszej strony internetowej i wydrukować ją samodzielnie. Jeśli chcesz otrzymać oryginalną instrukcję, zalecamy skontaktowanie się z Severin. Być może będą w stanie dostarczyć oryginalną instrukcję. Szukasz instrukcji swojego Severin PC 3751 Maszyna do popcornu w innym języku? Wybierz preferowany język na naszej stronie głównej i wyszukaj numer modelu, aby sprawdzić, czy jest on dostępny.

Dane techniczne

Marka Severin
Model PC 3751
Kategoria Maszyny do popcornu
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 0.75 MB

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Instrukcja Severin PC 3751 Maszyna do popcornu

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