Instrukcja Maestro MR658 Strzyżarka do włosów

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8 9
downward gradually increases the cutting length. See Picture 3
(page 2).
-In its lowest position, the lever will leave the hair approximately the
same length as the #1 comb.
-The lever will also extend the use of your blades since a different
cutting edge is used in each setting. In addition, if extremely heavy
hair cutting has jammed the blades, it will help you remove hair that
has become wedged between the two blades without removing the
-While the clipper is running, rapidly move the lever from “close
cut” to “longer cut“ a couple of times. Doing this each time after you
have nished using your clipper will help to keep the blades clear. If
your clipper stops cutting and this does not help, your cutting blades
are dulled. Replace them with new blades.
Preparation for use
- Remove all wrap materials and stickers
- Make sure that all the parts of appliance don’t have damages.
- Inspect the clipper, making sure that it is free of oil between the
cutting blade teeth and turn the unit on to distribute the oil and to
make sure it is running smoothly. Wipe off any excess oil. This
should be done before each use.
-While using the unit, untwist the cord from time to time to avoid
- Seat the person so their head is approximately at your eye level.
This allow ease of visibility while cutting and a relaxed control of the
- Before cutting always rst comb the hair so it is tangle free and as
it is naturally worn.
- Cut the hair in a relaxed and slow manner. Use short strokes only
to work gradually over the entire head.
- Always take off a little hair at a time; you can always trim off
additional hair later.
- As you work, comb the hair frequently back into the style to which
you are cutting.
- When cutting with this hair clipper it is better to leave the hair dry,
not wet. With the hair dry, it is much easier to control the amount of
hair being cut.
Attachment Combs (see main diagram).
Each comb attachment is marked accordingly on its outside middle
- To attach a comb, hold it with its teeth, upward and slide it along
the clipper blade until the front of the comb rmly seats against the
clipper blade.
- To remove the comb, simple pull the comb upward and away from
the clipper blade.
For even cutting, allow the comb attachment/cutter to cut its way
through the hair. Do not force it through quickly. Also remember to
comb the hair frequently to remove trimmed hair and to check for
uneven strands.
Attachment Comb leaves hair length mm (inch)
№1 3(1/8)
№2 6(1/4)
№3 9(3/8)
№4 12(1/2)
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 0.89 MB)
(Apelujemy o dbanie o środowisko i drukowanie instrukcji tylko wtedy, gdy jest to niezbędne)



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Dane techniczne

Marka Maestro
Model MR658
Kategoria Strzyżarki do włosów
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 0.89 MB

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Więcej podręczników Strzyżarki do włosów

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Co oznaczają rozmiary maszynki do strzyżenia? Zweryfikowany

Rozmiary maszynki do strzyżenia zwykle wskazują ilość włosów, które pozostaną po strzyżeniu. Im wyższa liczba, tym dłuższa fryzura.

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Czy mogę używać maszynki do strzyżenia włosów na mokrych włosach? Zweryfikowany

Nigdy nie używaj maszynki do strzyżenia włosów na mokrych włosach. Maszynka do strzyżenia włosów może utknąć i spowodować ból. Woda może również powodować rdzewienie ostrza maszynki do strzyżenia.

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Instrukcja Maestro MR658 Strzyżarka do włosów

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