Instrukcja Kärcher PGG 6/1 Generator

Potrzebujesz instrukcji dla swojego Kärcher PGG 6/1 Generator? Poniżej możesz bezpłatnie obejrzeć i pobrać instrukcję w formacie PDF w języku polskim. Ten produkt ma obecnie zadane 0 pytania, 0 komentarzy i 0 głosów. Jeśli nie jest to podręcznik, którego szukasz, skontaktuj się z nami.

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English 7
Angewandtes Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren
2000/14/EG: Anhang V
Schallleistungspegel dB(A)
PGG 3/1
Garantiert: 94
PGG 6/1
Garantiert: : 95
PGG 8/3
Garantiert: : 96
Die Unterzeichnenden handeln im Auftrag und mit Voll-
macht des Vorstands.
S. Reiser
Alfred Kärcher SE & Co. KG
Alfred-Kärcher-Str. 28 - 40
71364 Winnenden (Germany)
Tel.: +49 7195 14-0
Fax: +49 7195 14-2212
Winnenden, 2018/10/01
General notes
Read these original operating instruc-
tions and the enclosed safety instruc-
tions before using the device for the first
time. Proceed accordingly.
Keep both books for future reference or for future own-
Intended use
As delivered, this generator is intended for use at
heights of up to 1500 m above sea level. It can be ad-
justed by an authorised Customer Service department
for use at higher elevations.
If an electricity generator that has been adjusted for use
at higher elevations is used below this height then this
can result in destruction of the motor through overheat-
Environmental protection
The packing materials can be recycled. Please
dispose of packaging in accordance with the en-
vironmental regulations.
Electrical and electronic appliances contain valu-
able, recyclable materials and often components
such as batteries, rechargeable batteries or oil,
which - if handled or disposed of incorrectly - can
pose a potential threat to human health and the environ-
ment. However, these components are required for the
correct operation of the appliance. Appliances marked
by this symbol are not allowed to be disposed of togeth-
er with the household rubbish.
Notes on the content materials (REACH)
Current information on content materials can be found
Accessories and spare parts
Only use original accessories and original spare parts.
They ensure that the appliance will run fault-free and
Information on accessories and spare parts can be
found at
Scope of delivery
Check the contents for completeness when unpacking.
If any accessories are missing or in the event of any
shipping damage, please notify your dealer.
Safety instructions
Hazard levels
Indication of an imminent
threat of danger that will lead to
severe injuries or even death.
Indication of a potentially dan-
gerous situation that may lead
to severe injuries or even
Indication of a potentially dan-
gerous situation that may lead
to minor injuries.
Indication of a potentially dan-
gerous situation that may lead
to damage to property.
Safety instructions
Risk of injury.
The device is not intended for
use by persons with restricted
physical, sensory or mental
abilities or those lacking in ex-
perience and / or lacking in
Children must be supervised
to prevent them from playing
with the device.
Children and minors must not
use the device.
Keep a safe distance away
from the exhaust pipe and do
not reach into the exhaust gas
Danger of explosion.
Never operate the device in
potentially explosive environ-
Observe the corresponding
safety instructions when oper-
ating the device in hazard
zones (e.g. a petrol station).
Only fill the fuel specified in
the operating instructions.
Only refuel with the engine
switched off.
Do not refuel in confined spac-
Smoking and open flames are
Ensure that no fuel gets on hot
surfaces during refuelling.
Close the fuel tank cap after
Do not operate the device if
fuel has been spilt. Move the
device to another location and
avoid generating sparks.
Store fuel only in approved
Do not store fuel in the vicinity
of open flames or devices
having an ignition flame or
that generate sparks (e.g. ov-
en, heating boiler or water
Do not spray start spray into
the air filter.
Risk of fire.
Maintain a minimum distance
of 2 m between inflammable
objects and the muffler.
Do not operate the device in
forests, bushy or grassy areas
unless the exhaust pipe has
been equipped with a spark
Keep grass and other soiling
substances away from the
cooling fins.
Do not operate the device if
the fuel system is damaged or
leaking. Check the fuel sys-
tem regularly.
Allow the device to cool down
before storing in closed
Danger of electric shock
Do not touch the spark plug or
ignition lead when the device
is in operation.
Do not operate the device in
rain, snow or in the vicinity of
a sprinkler system. Keep the
device dry.
Never touch the mains plug
and socket with wet hands.
Do not start up a device that
has wet or icy electrical com-
Do not connect the device on-
ly to the mains supply of a
Preferably use devices and
extension cables with rubber
cables as per IEC 60245-4.
Health risk
Exhaust gases are toxic. Nev-
er breathe in the exhaust gas-
es. Never operate the device
in confined spaces. Ensure
sufficient ventilation and ex-
traction of the exhaust gases.
Make sure that no exhaust
gases are emitted close to air
Avoid repeated or prolonged
contact with fuel or engine oil
General notes ..................................................... 7
Intended use ....................................................... 7
Environmental protection .................................... 7
Accessories and spare parts............................... 7
Scope of delivery ................................................ 7
Safety instructions............................................... 7
Device description............................................... 8
Installation........................................................... 8
Initial start-up ...................................................... 8
Initial startup........................................................ 8
Operation ............................................................ 8
Transport............................................................. 9
Storage ............................................................... 9
Care and service................................................. 9
Troubleshooting guide......................................... 10
Warranty.............................................................. 10
Technical data..................................................... 10
EU Declaration of Conformity ............................. 10
Chairman of the Board of Management
Director Regulatory Affairs & Certification
H. Jenner
S. Reiser
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 3.75 MB)
(Apelujemy o dbanie o środowisko i drukowanie instrukcji tylko wtedy, gdy jest to niezbędne)



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Więcej o tej instrukcji

Rozumiemy, że miło jest mieć papierową instrukcję obsługi Kärcher PGG 6/1 Generator. Zawsze możesz pobrać instrukcję z naszej strony internetowej i wydrukować ją samodzielnie. Jeśli chcesz otrzymać oryginalną instrukcję, zalecamy skontaktowanie się z Karcher. Być może będą w stanie dostarczyć oryginalną instrukcję. Szukasz instrukcji swojego Kärcher PGG 6/1 Generator w innym języku? Wybierz preferowany język na naszej stronie głównej i wyszukaj numer modelu, aby sprawdzić, czy jest on dostępny.

Dane techniczne

Marka Karcher
Model PGG 6/1
Kategoria Generatory
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 3.75 MB

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Instrukcja Kärcher PGG 6/1 Generator

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