Instrukcja Fieldmann FZI 4010-Bi Generator

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EN 8
FZI 4010 BI
Component marking
If the engine ECON switch is in the “ON” position, the economical mode control unit will automatically set the
generator motor to an appropriate speed based on the connected electric load. This will result in higher fuel
savings and lower noise level.
If the engine ECON switch is in the “OFF” position, the engine will run at the rated speed of 4850 rpm.
Note: When working with electric equipment having a high inrush current, such as a compressor, the ECON
switch must be set in the “OFF” position.
When an appliance with a high current consumption is connected instantaneously, please set the
economical mode switch to the “OFF”(
) position in order to soften the voltage change.
When working with DC, set the economical mode switch to the “OFF” ( ) position.
In the protection state, the power indicator (green) is off and the overload indicator (red) lights.
At each engine start, the RESET button is available fi ve times. Otherwise the engine needs to be restarted.
In the protection state, the overload indicator (red) lights. To restore the generator power without necessity to
fully restart the engine, press RESET.
Hold down “RESET” button for one second until the overload indicator (red) goes out and the power indicator
(red) lights.
RESET has no effect in the no-load state.
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 5.82 MB)
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Dane techniczne

Marka Fieldmann
Model FZI 4010-Bi
Kategoria Generatory
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 5.82 MB

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Instrukcja Fieldmann FZI 4010-Bi Generator

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