Instrukcja Fieldmann FZI 4010-Bi Generator

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EN 10
FZI 4010 BI
Pre-operational check
Before the motor oil volume has dropped below the safety reserve level, the motor will be automatically
stopped by the low oil level warning system and the oil warning indicator (red) will light.
In order to avoid diffi culties due to a sudden stop, it is recommended to regularly check the motor oil level.
Before the motor oil volume has dropped below the safety reserve level, the motor will be automatically
stopped by the low oil level warning system and the oil warning indicator (red) will light.
In order to avoid diffi culties due to a sudden stop, it is recommended to regularly check the motor oil level.
Recommended fuel: please use unleaded petrol (octane number at least 95 by research method).
Never use disintegrating or contaminated petrol or a mixture of oil end petrol.
Prevent any dirt or water from entering the tank.
Don’t use a petrol mixture with ethanol or methanol content as this may lead to a serious damage to the engine.
1. Fuel tank cap
2. Open
3. Upper limit mark
Fuel tank capacity: 3.0 l
(Model FZI 4010 BI)
Petrol is extremely explosive and fl ammable.
It is forbidden to smoke and make fi re at the location of fuel replenishment or storage area.
Do not overfi ll the fuel tank (the fuel must not reach over the upper level red mark).
Once replenished, make sure to properly and safely close the fuel tank.
Prevent the fuel from spilling from the tank. (Before the engine start-up, there must be no excessive fuel
around the tank fi ller).
Avoid the fuel contact with skin and inhaling its vapours.
Check if the air fi lter element is clean and in good condition.
Loosen the air fi lter service cover screw and remove the cover.
Press the latch on the air fi lter top.
Take off the air fi lter cover.
Check the fi lter element and clean or replace it as needed.
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 5.82 MB)
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Dane techniczne

Marka Fieldmann
Model FZI 4010-Bi
Kategoria Generatory
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 5.82 MB

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Instrukcja Fieldmann FZI 4010-Bi Generator

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