Instrukcja Adler AD 3049 Kontakt grill

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2. Wipe hotplates first with wet and next with dry damp cloth.
3. Ready indicator (green) 4. Temperature control knob
4. Keep the appliance running for few minutes to get ride of manufacturing odour. Device could emit some smoke during this time.
That’s normal.
5. Clean unit according chapter “Cleaning ”.
24.Open device by holding the handle.
Prepare needed products.
2. Wait about 10 minutes. After this time device should reach required temperature - ready indicator lamp will off (3).
4. Close the device. Do not close the upper housing (5) by force.
1. Connect the closed device to the socket with grounding. Set the Temperature Control knob (4) to your desired setting: “LOW” for light
coloured waffles and “HIGH” for darker waffles. - power and ready indicator lamps will light (2)(3).
5. During operation the ready indicator lamp (3) will be turning on and off, that’s mean that thermostat keep appropriate temperature of
the hotplates.
1. Remove all cartons and labels from housing and from inside (between hotplates).
6. Operation time is approximately 5 to 15 minutes and depends on type of used ingredients and taste preference.
3. Fully open the device. Place the previously prepared product on the bottom baking tray
CAUTION: During operation from the cover of the device there can emit hot steam.
1. Handle 2. Power indicator (red)
7. Fully open the upper housing (5) and remove the finished products using only wooden or plastic spatula.
5. Upper Housing 6. Bottom Housing
3. Apply a bit of edible oil or other plant fat to the trays, close and plug in to the socket with grounding, set the temperature control knob
to the "HIGH" position (4), the power indicator lamp and ready indicator will light (2) (3).
21.Do not insert food portions that use whole oven volume, as it may cause fire and
destruction of the device.
22.The power cord may not be placed above the device and it may not touch or be located
near hot surfaces. Do not place the device under a mains socket.
23. Do not move or carry the device during operation. After the operation it can be moved
only if it had enough time for cooling down.
18. The device must cool down before you store it.
19. Do not place products made of cardboard, paper, plastic materials or other flammable
or meltable objects in the device.
20. The device is not designed to work with external schedulers or separate remote control
15. Accessible surface temperatures can be high when the appliance is operating.
Never touch the hot surfaces of the appliance.
16. Due to the high temperature you should be careful when removing the prepared
dishes, removing hot grease or other hot liquids. Be careful, there can be hot steam
presence during use of the appliance.
17. This electrical appliance contains a heating function. Surfaces, also different than the
functional surfaces, can develop high temperatures. The equipment shall be touch only at
intended handles and gripping surfaces, and use heat protection like gloves or similar.
During or after use, please do not touch the baking tray or the hot area on the shell before
the temperature goes down.
device (RCD) in the power circuit, with residual current rating not more than 30 mA.
Contact professional electrician in this matter.
Pobierz instrukcję w języku polskim (PDF, 4.27 MB)
(Apelujemy o dbanie o środowisko i drukowanie instrukcji tylko wtedy, gdy jest to niezbędne)



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Dane techniczne

Marka Adler
Model AD 3049
Kategoria Kontakt grille
Typ pliku PDF
Rozmiar pliku 4.27 MB

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Instrukcja Adler AD 3049 Kontakt grill

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